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14 Appointment Reminder Templates for Your Business (Email and Text)

Try GoReminders free (no credit card needed)

Fewer clients saying they forgot their appointment! Which means that we don’t have holes in our schedule that we could have used for another client, had we known ahead of time that they would need to cancel or simply not show.

Mary Carrara-Hay, Crossroads Counseling Solutions

We use the platform to book food vendors to assist with a Covid-19 feeding program for the City of New Orleans and we worked with over thirty vendors. GoReminders’ scheduling system reallydoessavetime in not only the initial scheduling of meals, but the reminders, and also if there is a question from the vendor, the vendor can contact us directly through the system and that’s helpful for them to feel as if they have direct access. We work on varying economic development endeavors so this was something most did not work with other scheduling apps, and the scheduling system is better than any excel format we had generated in the past to support the work.

Chandra Teddleton, New Orleans Business Alliance

One of the biggest issues I really had was tracking down my clients—unless I was able to confirm and respond the moment I got their texts, which I don't often have time to do, I’d have to go back. With GoReminders I can literally save 1-2 hours of time a day, because I'm able to input their information quickly and confirm their appointment at the exact moment without having to take that 10-15 minutes to go into a system, create their profile, input their reservation information, etc.

Anna Golda Yu, Work & Tot

I could not live without GoReminders. Before GoReminders to be honest with you, maybe 50% were no-shows. Inowhavelessthan5%no-shows! It's very easy to use, and very inexpensive when you look at compared to other prices. It's been awesome! On a scale of 1 to 10 GoReminders is a 15 for me!

Linda Hutchinson, Excell Medical Cost Containment, Inc.

Try GoReminders free (no credit card needed)

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