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Physical Trainers, Gyms, and Personal Trainers

Text and email appointment reminders for gyms, personal trainers, and online & remote training sessions. Our easy to use scheduling app & web service saves you tons of time and money, and your customers will love it! Try it free (no credit card required).

Try GoReminders free (no credit card needed)

Testimonials from GoReminders users

I am a private instructor for baseball and have been doing private lessons as a side business for years now. It is not a full blown business as I still continue my normal full time job. This app has seriously replaced the headache of making sure my clients remember their appointment with me or to reschedule. I handle everything regarding my lessons and the most time consuming part of it was making sure my time slots stayed full and not having “no shows” or having people forget to reschedule or forget the time and day they had the appointment. Definitely recommend this app!
I almost forgot, the nicest part about this was the communication between the developer and myself to make sure everything was working and I was happy using the app.

Chris DiBlasi, Baseball Coach

Of the 30 online schedulers I have used, GoReminders is the most efficient, easy to use and reliable. Your recurring appointment feature is top notch and saves my life.

Luis Rivera, Virtual Coach

I haven't found a cheaper service that is as intuitive for a business with multiple locations as ours.

Joanna Turner, Safe House Studios

We love GoReminders because it makes it easier for us to remind our members of appointments. And it frees up my time as a coach to get other work done.

Coach, Curves Fitness Studio

Try GoReminders free (no credit card needed)

1. Schedule appointment

2. Reminders get sent

3. Client shows up

Send reminders to your clients. Try it free

Get set up in 30 seconds. No credit card needed.